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Helping You Achieve  The Goals That Are Most Important To You

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Planning Your Financial Life, You Need More Than a Money Manager

Finding a wealth advisor who takes a comprehensive approach to your wealth can help you enjoy the financial life you've always imagined. At Fifth Avenue Wealth, we offer objective investment advice, comprehensive financial planning and tax-efficient investment strategies to high net worth individuals, senior corporate executives, and attorneys.

How We Help You

We are a fee-only independent registered investment advisor with a fiduciary duty to always act in your best interests. Integrating your investments into a comprehensive financial plan and reducing the amount of income taxes you pay is what helps you most and what sets us apart from our peers.

Objective Investment Advice

Your best interest is our sole priority. We’ll never push products or services onto you for the sake of earning commission. Instead, our only compensation comes from you.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Together we bring your entire financial picture to light. Your investments should work in tandem with your tax strategies and financial goals. We’ll make sure they do.

Tax-Efficient Investment Strategies

Taxes can be many high earners’ biggest expense. Throughout the year, we’ll optimize your tax strategies to work in conjunction with the rest of your financial plan.

Managing Wealth is About More Than Managing Investments

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